Posted 5th June 2024 | No Comments
Transport campaigners issue their own manifesto

The Campaign for Better Transport has produced a manifesto for the forthcoming General Election, in advance of manifestos from the main parties being published.
The CBT is calling on the next government to make investment in public transport a priority, as well as routes for pedestrians and cyclists, instead of building more roads.
It also wants short-term competitive funding for local transport authorities replaced by longer-term funding settlements which cover all transport modes.
Other ambitions include the next government committing itself to a target for modal shift to public transport and active travel, reform of the rail ticketing system, progress with essential rail infrastructure projects and only building new roads if there is a ‘stringent’ reduction of emissions.
The CBT also wants minimum bus service levels and a reform of aviation taxation, including a kerosene tax and reversing the cut to Air Passenger Duty for domestic flights.
Silviya Barrett from the CBT said: ‘Whatever the result of the forthcoming election, we need to ensure that creating a fairer, more sustainable transport system is top of the agenda for the next government.
‘Prioritising investment in public transport, shared travel, walking and cycling with a commitment to reduce the number of car journeys should be a priority, for the sake of communities, the economy and the planet.’