Posted 14th November 2023 | 3 Comments

Government to fund Bradford station planning

Money to pay for the first stage of work on a new station for Bradford has been announced, following the publication of the Network North proposals last month.

The Network North schemes cover most of the country, and include projects in Devon and Cambridgeshire as well as the north of England. The government said last month that it would be investing £36 billion in the ‘long term’ schemes, which would include road improvements as well as railways and a new tram system for Leeds, all funded by money released from the cancellation of HS2 to Crewe and Manchester.

Department for Transport permanent secretary Dame Bernadette Kelly has pointed out that HS2 between the West Midlands and Crewe cannot be abandoned without a further Act of Parliament, and the £400,000 allocated to Bradford comes from the previously announced West Yorkshire Devolution deal.

The Network North proposals include £2 billion for Bradford’s new station, although it is not yet known where it will be built, or on what line.

For now, the initial grant will fund the preparation of a master plan for the station by the council. The DfT said the work will examine how the new station can support regeneration and make the most of its potential to create new homes, jobs and economic growth.

Once complete, the findings will form part of a wider business case for the project which will include details of the proposed location and opening date.

Rail minister Huw Merriman said: ‘I have championed the case for a new railway station in Bradford for a long time and the funding announced today will make this commitment one step closer to becoming a reality.

‘Bradford is soon to become the UK's City of Culture and our scheme to deliver a brand new station and railway line will help attract tourism, unlock access to neighbouring cities and provide the area with the huge regeneration opportunities it deserves to boost connectivity and economic growth.’

Reader Comments:

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  • John B, London

    Why not a proposal to link Forster Square and Interchange instead of a new station which would in all likelihood be inconveniently-sited for the town centre? Better to take advantage of the numerous empty/derelict sites around the two stations to get this project off the ground.

  • Andrew Gwilt, Thundersley Essex

    Will the new railway station replace one of Bradford’s existing main railway station Bradford Forster Square or Bradford Interchange. If it is to be given the go ahead.

  • strawbrick, Watford

    According to the Rail Minister, Hugh Meriman "Bradford is soon to become the UK's City of Culture and our scheme to deliver a brand new station and railway line will help attract tourism, unlock access to neighbouring cities and provide the area with the huge regeneration opportunities it deserves to boost connectivity and economic growth."
    Clearly he is linking the "brand new railway station" and Bradford's year as the UK's City of Culture. That being so he had better get a move on because Bradford's year, 2025, starts in 59 weeks time and, as your report states "it is not yet known where it will be built, or on what line."