Posted 1st July 2020 | 1 Comment

New design standards laid out for local stations

A NEW report commissioned by Network Rail and now published by Design Council is set to change the way smaller stations are designed, with the aims of making them welcoming to all passengers and supporting the communities in their catchment areas. Other ambitions include reflecting local character and heritage, achieving consistent quality and having good connections with town centres or high streets. Around four out of five stations are officially ‘smaller’, but in recent years the attention of architects and designers has tended to be concentrated on the 500 or so bigger ones, with most publicity being given to major projects at stations like St Pancras International in London or New Street in Birmingham. Design Council’s director of architecture and built environment Sue Morgan said: ‘Better stations will improve millions of people’s lives and boost the quality of surrounding spaces through economic renewal, social enhancement and environmental restoration. Most of us would naturally accept these themes as priorities already but this report demonstrates a clear evidence base, sets out ideas for bringing them forward and establishes Network Rail’s expectation that each one of them is a priority that will be present in future plans for all local stations.’

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  • david barry, wallasey

    Unless we can reduce the price ,£18 million for a new one platform station at Soham, a simple structure and layout, we will be very limited in the opening/reopenings of future stations. Too many professionals etc taking their wedge here.