About Us

Railnews™ is the leading publication for the rail industry.

Published monthly and with a readership today of over 100,000, which includes everyone from board room executives to track side staff, Railnews™ plays an important part in communicating what's going on in the railways to a wide ranging audience.

Understanding that readers want more than just the reporting of day-to-day news, Railnews® works hard to document major developments taking place on and off the tracks.

A brief history of Railnews

Railnews™ was first published in 1963, selling for sixpence (2.5p). After Sir Peter Parker, who placed great emphasis on internal communications, became British Rail chairman in 1977, Railnews was issued free to all rail industry employees, a policy that continued until BR was privatised.

British Rail shut down Railnews in October 1996 but a small group of former rail managers re-launched the paper as an independent publication four months later. Since February 1997, some nine million copies of Railnews have been printed and circulated.